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Student Fee Advisory Committee

“The Student Fee Advisory Committee is established at each institution of higher education to advise the governing board and administration on the type, amount, and expenditure of compulsory fees (a fee that is charged to all students enrolled at the institution) for student services under Section 54.503 of the Texas Education Code Chapter 54.”
The committee is composed of nine members: five student members who are enrolled for not less than six semester credit hours and who are representative of all students enrolled at the institution; and four members who are representative of the entire institution, appointed by the President of the institution. If the institution has a student government association, the student government shall appoint three student members to serve two-year terms and two students to serve one-year terms on the committee.

Student Service Fees

One of the compulsory fees that the Student Fee Advisory Committee will govern is the Student Service Fee. The Texas Legislature has defined Student Service Fees as: Sec. 54.503. STUDENT SERVICE FEES. "Student services" means activities which are separate and apart from the regularly scheduled academic functions of the institution and directly involve or benefit students, including textbook rentals, recreational activities, health and hospital services, medical services, intramural and intercollegiate athletics, artists and lecture series, cultural entertainment series, debating and oratorical activities, student publications, student government, the student fee advisory committee, student transportation services other than services under Sections 54.504, 54.511, 54.512, and 54.513 of this code, and any other student activities and services specifically authorized and approved by the governing board of the institution of higher education.  The term does not include services for which a fee is charged under another section of this code.

Student Service Fees Budget Requests

Each spring semester, the Student Fee Advisory Committee announces the opportunity for qualified departments and student organizations to submit funding requests for the following academic year. 
To submit a budget request:
  1. Choose the appropriate request form. (Departments choose SS Fee Department Form. Student Organizations choose SS Fee Organization Form.)
  2. Fill out ALL blanks on the form 
  3. Print and have all necessary department heads/advisors sign the form.
  4. Scan and Save your form (preferably as a pdf). 
  5. Send it as an email attachment along with any supporting documentation such as conference agenda’s, hotel information, etc. to Diana Crutchfield at